2012년 9월 12일 수요일

Changing the Name

Changing the Name
In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet tells Romeo,

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. (II.ii.47-51)


                I strongly agree with this text due to various reasons.  It is an undeniable fact that a person does not change after his or her name has been changed.  If a superficial character “Bob” changes his name to “Patience” just to fix his rash decisions, there is a high chance he won’t achieve his goal.  Although such example can become a motivator, it won’t immediately fix a person’s problem or change the person.  This idea is also manifested when parents name their soon-born baby.  Although they name their child the way they want the child to be, there is a high chance the child will exactly meet the parent’s expectations.

                Object is also a subject that does not change when its name is changed.  For example, if a person buys a product from Samsung and sells it by the brand name Apple, no one is going to fall for such naïve deception. 

                Lastly, as mentioned by Juliet, love is given to a person due to who he or she is, not because of his or her name.  For example, if a fictional character “Bob” has a son, he will love his son because his son is a part of Bob’s family.  If a random person named “Bob’s child” comes to Bob for Bob’s love, Bob won’t love that person because he is not related in anyway with the person.  Same reason applies for man and woman who are in a relationship.  The man loves her for who she is, not for what she is called.  Even though the woman’s name is “Ugly”, she will look beautiful in the man’s point of view.

                Name is not what determines the characteristics of a person.  Therefore, changing the name is ineffectual of changing the person.

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